5:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Craig Dillon has been in radio since 2000 starting at WIBA and WTSO in Madison. He screened phone calls for "Open Line Madison" and worked the board for Packers, Bucks, Badger games, and NASCAR.
Craig's favorite part of being in radio is meeting people and learning about new things and being able to share the information about their business or nonprofit on-air with listeners.
His hobbies include exercising at the gym, walking, biking, listening to his vinyl collection, spending time with friends and family, going to concerts, reading, and very rarely, video games.
He also participates in a podcast called "Those 80s Kids Remember."
Craig runs the WOMT board during Sports Talk on Monday nights and occasionally does remotes for WOMT but mainly stays on-air 5am-9am on the sister station, WCUB Cub Radio, as the host of the Breakfast Club.