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Purchase Radio Deals By:

Stopping in office weekdays from 8am - 5pm starting Monday morning at 8am

(3730 Mangin St, Manitowoc WI 54220)

Calling us any weekday from 8am - 5pm starting Monday morning at 8am


Scroll Down for This Week's Deals!

*Any voicemails, emails, or social media messages made prior to Monday morning at 8am will be discarded*

There is a limited supply of each certificate on offer.  If you would like your purchased deals mailed to you, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope along with payment to:


Deals of the Week

P.O. Box 1385

Manitowoc, WI  54221-1385


We accept cash and checks for purchases.  We will also accept credit cards for deals purchased with a minimum purchase of $50 and a 3% convenience fee. Some restrictions on using the deals may apply such as expiration and days available to redeem. 


 Any questions or for the list of Wisconsin Dining Scripts, call Karen at 920-682-0351.

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